about us

why:  quest for transformation, impact and wholeness

who:   alliance of innovators, practitioners, and early adopters

what:  innovate, accompany, co-create, advise, foster, integrate & invest

where: USA, Canada, Europe, and rest of world on demand

when:  now, aligned with 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

how:  professional advisory services, integrative inter-disciplinary teams

solutions: frameworks, assessments and tools

sustainable co-operatives, multi-stakeholder and multi-national

unisity = unity + diversity of people and culture

ecosystems + platforms as a service + technology



fostering prosperity, transformation and impact with cultures of sustainable innovation and wholeness for all of us

with the recognition of the essential oneness of humanity

co-create sustainable, for-profit, multi-stakeholder, and multi-national co-operative solutions

co-create whole innovation solutions, frameworks, ecosystems and platforms as a service


  • non-material reality, an infinitely larger energy for reGrowth3

  • oneness of all people, a fundamental reality

  • sustainability, to support earth seven generations or esg3

  • consultation, for truth-seeking, decision making and collaboration

  • United Nations, and its next generation reform

  • emerging conceptual framework, to drive outcomes and impact

  • theory of change, to support people, culture and change

  • investment thesis, to co-create multi-stakeholder sustainability

  • wholeness mandala, for integrative transformation and impact


while also manifesting as ethics, integrity, morals, or virtues, we value the following CharacterYAQ qualities -

  • creativity, expressed through the arts and human innovation

  • excellence, in aspiring to surpass the best that we can be

  • humility, as we collectively learn throughout our quest

  • justice, learn through collective consultation and wisdom

  • reflection, through meditation and mindfulness

  • service, as all work done in the spirit of service

  • trust, in the best intentions of the journey and each other

  • truthfulness, that comes from authenticity to ourselves and each other

  • unity, in harmony with diversity, and our means and ends


while also manifesting as ethics, integrity, morals, or virtues, we value the following CharacterYAQ qualities -

  • creativity, expressed through the arts and human innovation

  • excellence, in aspiring to surpass the best that we can be

  • humility, as we collectively learn throughout our quest

  • justice, learn through collective consultation and wisdom

  • reflection, through meditation and mindfulness

  • service, as all work done in the spirit of service

  • trust, in the best intentions of the journey and each other

  • truthfulness, that comes from authenticity to ourselves and each other

  • unity, in harmony with our means and ends